Meet our Featured Writers
We are always excited to bring you new voices with their own stories to tell. Our featured writers each bring their unique perspective to storytelling through prose, poetry and essays. You’ll find their bios and links to their work here.

Occasionally, writers will come to us with stories to tell, but they cannot use their names. We offer them the opportunity to publish their work under a pseudonym or anonymously.
Read: SAT Students and Boundaries
A story about teaching, stress and using humor to manage it.
Read: To The Shopkeeper on the Corner in East Jerusalem
A writer shares their story about connecting across cultures and languages, about saying good bye, and about hope.

Ayla Bayli
Ayla Bayli (She/her) is a poet based everywhere; coming to you from in between planes and bedroom corners. her work has been published in magazines such as Snowflake Magazine, MiniMag, Trash to Treasure Lit and her university’s Creative Society Zine. You can find her work and reading list @bayliwrites.
Read: “I Want To Be Soft” and Other Poems
Gordon Bonnet
Gordon Bonnet has been writing fiction for decades. Encouraged when his story “Crazy Bird Bends His Beak” won critical acclaim in Mrs. Moore’s 1st grade class at Central Elementary School in St. Albans, West Virginia, he embarked on a long love affair with the written word.
He blogs daily, and is never without a piece of fiction in progress – driven to continue (as he puts it) “because I want to find out how the story ends.” From historical fiction (Kári the Lucky), to murder mysteries (the Parsifal Snowe Mysteries, beginning with Poison the Well), to paranormal fiction with a humorous twist (Periphery and Lock & Key) to the truly terrifying (Gears and The Fifth Day), Gordon’s fiction has something for all tastes!
Read: Bi Visibility

Elizabeth Brown
Elizabeth Brown is a creative writing student at the University of Birmingham. She writes what she knows and what she wishes to feel (And what she wishes she never felt) Elizabeth is intrigued. Her poetry has been recognised by lecturers as ‘submitted’ and ‘formatted correctly’. She hopes you too will think the same.
Read: Lace
Read: “Sucker” and “Respire. expire:”

Nitya Budamagunta
Nitya Budamagunta is a BFA creative writing student at University of Noth Carolina Wilmington. Her poem “Houses” received an honorable mention for NC State’s Dorianne Laux Poetry Prize, and she is the editor-in-chief of Atlantis Creative Magazine. When not writing, she can be found fencing, pondering how the universe started, and making earrings. Find her @nityasnovelnook on Instagram, or on her website
Read: “Puzzle Box” and “An Oil Painting of an Abyssal Surface”
Read: “Secret” and “A Box from the Storage Shelf”
Not a lot of people write shaped poems anymore. Check these out.

Alanna Carey
Alanna Carey (She/Her) is a senior in high school with a love for creative writing. She is working on earning her Associate of the Arts through Sinclair Community College and is hoping to pursue a double major in communication and dance post-graduation. Alanna is a huge mythology buff and has spent countless hours researching mythology, especially Greek, Roman, and Egyptian history.
Read: Mount Olympus High: Atalanta

john compton
john compton (he/him) is a gay poet who lives with his husband josh and their dogs and cats. he is the poet with 14 published chapbooks/books, with the latest book: the castration of a minor god (Ghost City Press; december 2022) and next chapbook: melancholy arcadia (Harbor Editions; may 2024)
Read: “leukemia,” “die doktor,” “process & finale”

Emily Donoher
Emily Donoher (she/her) is the author of Metamorphosis and The Recovery Journal, as well as podcast host of The Recovery Club. She has always had a fond love of writing; it has been her beacon of hope throughout her life.
Read: Our Father

Amruta Gaiki
Amruta Gaiki (She/Her) is an Indian graduate student majoring in English. She likes reading, writing, and going on walks with earphones plugged in. Her work has been published by Rejection Letters, Livina Press, Bubble, and Alien Buddha Zine. She is an editor at The Milk House. Follow her on Twitter & Instagram @flames_n_ice and read her blog at:
Read: Streetlights

Kat Gál
Kat Gál (she/her) is a bookworm and cat-lover. Kat is a freelance health writer and enjoys creative writing, running, and traveling in her free time. You can find her at
Read: A Second Chance at Love

Gaby Holly
Gaby Holly is an avid reader and writer from Florida
Read: First Big Night

Nicole Hawkins
Nicole (she/her) was born and raised in rural Kentucky. She has been married for 20 years to the best husband imaginable, and they have a beautiful, amazing daughter. Nicole works for the Central Kentucky Community Action Council in the Kentucky Works Program. She is an aspiring author, working on a novel and writing anything and everything along the way. Her audio book series, The Infected, was published on the Wahlbeck app in August 2022. Although Nicole let her dream of being an author go for several years, she is back in the saddle and ready to take on new challenges and adventures.
Read: The Weight of Expectations

Valerie Hughes
Valerie Hughes is a writer from New York, NY. She has been published the websites Breadcrumbs Mag and Paragraph Planet. She writes fiction (long form, flash) and the occasional poem. She is currently working on a novel about re-exposure to trauma, desire itself and desire to gain control over the past through the present. Follow her on Instagram and Twitter @_valeriehughes
Read: The Lore of Rich Kid Drugs

The Lavender Librarian
Miss Kate (she/they) or, as she’s best known online, The Lavender Librarian, is an openly autistic, queer, and disabled children’s librarian based in South Western Ontario. Kate is the founder of Storytime Solidarity, a website and social media community that supports librarians, teachers, and educators in developing diverse, equitable, and inclusive early literacy programming and book collections.
Read: Against Book Bans: Mirrors and Windows

Tabitha Lindstrom
Tabitha Lindstrom (she/her) is currently earning her BA in English / Creative Writing at the University of Wisconsin – Milwaukee. She has had a lifelong love for reading and writing. She was previously published in Issue 8 of Variety Pack. You can find her @tabitha.lindstrom on Instagram and @talindstr on Twitter.
Read: Safety in Somedays

Gabby Marsh
(they/them) is a writer studying English Literature and Creative Writing at the University of Manchester, currently in their second year. So far they’ve had two poems published, ‘When Nothing is Said and Done’ in Impspired, and ‘Blazen for a Sibling’ in Polyphony.
Read: Moved

Paige Melton
Paige (she/her) is a special education teacher with a bachelor’s degree in English Literary studies. She enjoys reading, writing, long boarding, and spending time with her puppies. She lives in Utah with her partner Kenzie.
Read: I Felt a Funeral In My Brain and The Poets

Matthew Miehe
Matthew Miehe (he, him) is a student at California State University of Northridge. Creating stick figure comics at a young age, during high school he switched his creative mode to writing, and from there, fell in love with the creative element that writing had to offer. He enjoys writing about the emotional and cultural elements that humanity has to offer; no matter how cynical it can get.
Read: Joplin Tornado

Dean Muscat
Dean Muscat (He/Him) is a writer based in Malta. He studied English Literature at the University of Westminster, London and went on to complete a post-graduate diploma in Modern and Contemporary Literature and Criticism at the University of Malta. His debut short story was published in Scintillas. His book reviews have been published in Publishers Weekly, BookBrowse, and The Sunday Times of Malta. He is currently working on his debut novella.
Read: Remnants from the Attic

Penny Newcombe
Penny Newcombe is a MA creative writing student at City University London. She is a married mother of two and a registered adult nurse, living and working in London. She writes stories in historical, romance, fantasy, magic realism and contemporary genres.
Read: Moth Wings

Rachel Nicholson
Rachel Nicholson (she/her) is a student at the University of North Carolina at Wilmington pursuing a BFA in Creative Writing. Her work has been featured on the Chautauqua Institution’s literary blog and in Atlantis creative magazine.
Read: “Homeland” and “Death, if you were a Lover”

David O’Mahony
David O’Mahony (he/him) is an experienced copy editor and newspaper designer from Cork, Ireland, whose first love is writing. He specialises in horror and ghost stories but is interested in everything from Gothic fiction to science fiction. He has worked in Ireland and the Arabian Gulf, has been a tutor at university, has written opinion pieces for the Irish Examiner on history-related topics, and holds a PhD in history.
Read: Losing Your Grip
Read: Ties That Bind

Amy Osella
Amy Osella is an insufferable poet/rat/apparition that can be found in your local bodega. When not self-loathing or watching modern family on an endless loop she can be caught attending classes at Pratt Institute as a senior creative writing major.
Read: “Home” and Other Poems

Lorenz Pöschl
Lorenz Pöschl (he, him) is an English teacher and researcher from Aotearoa/New Zealand. His work touches on Colonialism, Public Pedagogy, National Memory, and Intimacy. As a childhood immigrant from Germany, Lorenz writes to think about strangeness in a settler-colonial territory. Platforms where his work has appeared include: Shotglass Journal, Journal of New Zealand Literature, Tarot, and Landfall. This photo was taken on the occasion of Lorenz’s second marriage.
Read: “Ways of Saying ‘And'”

Maria Rohde
Maria Rohde (She/her) is a 2015 graduate of the Susquehanna University Writers Institute, and has also attended Writer Camp, sponsored by Barrelhouse Magazine, the past two years. When not reading or writing, she can be found at her favorite coffee shop, Grounding Coffee, or improving her skills at kickboxing. She also enjoys spending time with her cats, watching documentaries, and making art any way she can.
Read: “Life During a Good Time”

Tenzin Tsundue
(He/Him) is a poet, writer and Tibetan refugee/activist. As of 2019 he has been taken into preventive custody, arrested or jailed for short durations by Indian authorities 16 times; India does not allow Tibetans to engage in anti-China activities in India. At the age of 22, he travelled to Tibet and was arrested and sent back to India. “They told me I was born in India and so I did not belong to Tibet.”
He won the first-ever Outlook-Picador Award for Non-Fiction in 2001 for his work “My Kind of Exile”. He has published four books, each of which has been translated into several languages: Crossing the Border (1999), Kora (2002), Semshook (2007), and Tsen-göl (2012). Tsundue’s writings have appeared in various publications. Tsundue joined Friends of Tibet (India) in 1999 and currently serves as its General Secretary. Tsundue lives in Dharamshala, Himachal Pradesh which is in Northern India.
Read: 3 Poems by Tenzin

Valerie is an undergraduate student at the University of Toronto. Her works can be found on under the handle @valerieng_ and in several online publications on the site. She loves 70’s rock and is a staunch defender of all things mint-chocolate-flavoured. When not writing, she’s probably out for a long run, getting coffee with a friend, or participating in the writer’s favourite hobby of overthinking.
Read: The Dining Table

Anthony David Vernon
Anthony David Vernon (he/him) is a Cuban-American writer who enjoys a ton of stuff, including writing and hiking.