I wear a suit of armour made of lace. Just pretty enough to distract you Maybe catch your eye across the room But too pretty to avoid your undesired attention Your finger chafed the last of my lacy defence It slithered up and down the effortlessly penetrable thread Swooping every curve Memorising its patterns We’re all aware of how weak she is And how persistent you are But You that trailed behind me You that followed me home You that dragged me to the floor You that manipulate the shape of me You are the worst thing I will forever be attached to Because Peter Pan burst through my window and rubbed soap on the soles of my shoes And now I possess you as a dispiriting shadow Lingering The grief trickles in blood down our legs Our stomachs starve with the loss of breath we didn't realise we were holding But do not worry! Knives, and Bullets, and men Could never splinter the strength of lace They say it’s as protective as a bulletproof vest We are untouchable. For as long as you are just a deluded shadow, and not the men keeping us bleeding Our suits of armour are not pretty enough to love just pretty enough to target

Elizabeth Brown
Elizabeth Brown is a creative writing student at the University of Birmingham. She writes what she knows and what she wishes to feel (And what she wishes she never felt) Elizabeth is intrigued. Her poetry has been recognised by lecturers as ‘submitted’ and ‘formatted correctly’. She hopes you too will think the same.
Why is this so moving ?
Thank you for sharing, this is an incredibly moving piece. Powerful, yet fragile at the same time. So emotive, and the pacing was excellent.
Also, your bio…. You’re killin’ me smallz!
“Her poetry has been recognised by lecturers as ‘submitted’ and ‘formatted correctly’.” LMFAO!
beautiful and haunting imagery . thanks for sharing it!
Wonderful. This is going to keep me thinking for a long time.
Elizabeth, your poem simultaneously seized both my viscera and my soul. Soft and hard in one blow.
ooh I like that image