We are moving into Delivery 8, where we discover more about the early adult life of the fictional characters, Aleena and Stuart. If you prefer to read contiguously from the opening sentence forward, here are links to the previous 7 deliveries onto 2 Rules of Writing. https://2rulesofwriting.com/another-world-within/an-archaic-concept-of-me/ https://2rulesofwriting.com/another-world-within/an-archaic-concept-of-me-2/ https://2rulesofwriting.com/another-world-within/to-the-future-where-we-know-ourselves/ https://2rulesofwriting.com/another-world-within/archaic-concept-of-me-keep-going-son/ https://2rulesofwriting.com/another-world-within/mindfulness-archaic-concept-5/ https://2rulesofwriting.com/another-world-within/archaic-concept-of-me-shoulder-energy/ https://2rulesofwriting.com/another-world-within/forget-it-an-archaic-concept-of-me-delivery-7/ Where we began,…
Author: J.D. Saward
“Forget it” (An Archaic Concept of Me: Delivery 7)
A Moment of Authory* Self-Reflection Some months back, Iʼm half way through writing the book before I notice almost all of it is internal narrative of the main character. I had been considering going back to edit it towards more external action, and less dominated by early-adult thought-angst of not fitting in. But then I…
An Archaic Concept of Me: Shoulder Energy
Here we are, about to read the sixth delivery of ‘An Archaic Concept of Me’.For those who would like to begin at the beginning, Delivery 1 can be found here.In that initiating delivery we found Aleena and Stuart enjoying a new morning of privilege, waking for breakfast in bed, with water views, figs and all….
Mindfulness: An Archaic Concept of Me, Delivery 5
Authorʼs note, May 8 & 9 2022 I wrote the initialisation scene of this story, way back in 2017. My Evernote tells me the scene was first drafted 3 December 2017 at 17:52. The initialisation scene – edited a few times since 2017 – is found in Delivery 1 of the story. In that scene…
The World is Big. Keep Going, Son.
In our first delivery we find Stuart with Aleena soon after their marriage, in their beachside house together, sharing breakfast after a night of lovemaking. We get the sense they are living a life of privilege and of exploring affirmative mind-states. Since that opening delivery we jumped back in time to dig around in Stuart’s…
To the Future – Where We Know Ourselves
An Archaic Concept of Me. Recap In previous deliveries we meet Stuart and Aleena, as they begin married life together. They lead a life of comfort, and prospective wealth, and they take that privilege for granted, as their due, through their affirmative mind-states. They congratulate each other on the manifestations of abundance arising from their lithe…
An Archaic Concept of Me
Incremental Delivery #2 Editor’s Note: This is the second “Delivery” in the series. If you would like to catch up, you can do so here. The opening: I was young; I was anxious; I was bound to an archaic concept of me. She smoothed my mind and body with her sunny day thoughts and yoga…
An Archaic Concept Of Me
Editor’s note: Welcome to our first serial! John will be making these “deliveries” to us once a month on a Thursday. The Opening: I was young; I was anxious; I was bound to an archaic concept of me. She smoothed my mind and body with her sunny day thoughts and yoga softened hands. I agreed…