Picking Olives
Picking olives feels like
Popping bubblewrap
Satisfying thwap!
Fingers press
Slight give
Serotonin rush
Or maybe it’s the other way around
Just maybe
My need to run
Itching and burning
At my legs
Is just my great222
Running all day
Against the wind
Against the elk and deer
Against the wilting of the grains
The chewing on pencils
Is my DNA longing
For my perfect
Teeth to take purchase
Fibrous stalks
And seed-filled fruits
To nothingness
For hours all day long
Digging my fingers into sand
My brain floods with
Feel Good
And I should be on a riverbed
Digging in the sand with my siblings
Laughing as we look for crayfish
Or raw clay
Fat roots
Daily bread

Water as transitive
Water as transitive (as trans) water as law (mutable) water as refuge (dangerous) water as life (refugee) water as death (refugees)

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the Flea Dane
the Flea Dane is a poet and writer who lives in the dry river valley between two mountain ranges, among sheep, donkeys, and miles of olive orchard.