It’s already the middle of April–and ever since I had to memorize part of the prologue for school, April always brings thoughts of Canterbury Tales and the new adventures spring might bring. At least adventures for some people. Perhaps you’ll find adventures to take your mind on in the fantastic stories we bring you each week, or in our watch/listen/read selections. No matter where you go, for now, I want to welcome you to the Sunday Summary for 11 April 2022-16 April 2022.

“When you’re twitterpated from a new liaison, you want to talk about it. Especially when that relationship comes with the extra adrenaline-rush of rule breaking.”
A first kiss is exciting. So is breaking the rules. Erika shares a story about summer camp romance and the first time she kissed a girl. Experience with her the thrill of a first kiss, the excitement of a secret camp romance and the fear of being discovered breaking both written and unwritten rules.

“There’s a lot we will let go if you tell a good story. That’s true for adults almost as much as it is for children.”
Adam tells another tale about Thor and Dr M. Where do they go on their trip this time? Make yourself some noodles and read along to find out. And consider the question: “Do all stories for children need to have an explicit moral? Is that a rule? Or is it enough to enjoy a story just because?”

“The World is Big. Keep Going, Son.”
It’s time to find out what happens next to Stuart. Our last visit with him introduced us to Muriel, and saw his uncle pressuring him to marry her, with thoughts of the financial benefits of the union. What does Stuart think? Read part 4 of the story and find out.

Erika: “Really, it’s been a ‘Return to the early 90s’ week in a lot of ways.”
Adam: “I think one of the things Austen has taught me is that polite social situations are not only toxic but even subtly violent.”
Erika finds inspiration to write about first kisses and to prepare for Passover with a dive into the music, books and movies she loved in the 90s. Adam explores Jane Austen’s work beyond Pride and Prejudice. All quiet on the viola wars front this week.

“Little Cat was reading from a book of Nathaniel Hawthorne short stories that Human Mom had open. Twice-Told Tales. It’s an excellent book. And it got Little Cat thinking about how to keep a story fresh when you know it’s been told before.”
Caturday this week sees the felines not just thinking about what we’re celebrating this week, but looking ahead a little to Earth Day. This week they’re talking about recycling. There are, after all a limited number of unique plots. What happens when authors recycle them? How do you keep your plots fresh? Read more from the cats and share your thoughts with us.
Looking ahead

Coming up this week
Our poetry celebration continues with new additions to our 30 Days, 30 Poems project from our readers as well as from Adam and Erika. More food writing from Erik Piece along with new writing from Adam and Erika as well. Don’t forget to send us your submissions, whether that’s a completed piece or even just reaching out to say: “I want to write, but I don’t know what.”

Make sure you‘re all caught up with your favorite 2 Rules writers and features by checking out all of our Sunday Summary posts.