I am having difficulty sleeping these days. And yes, it is to do with the murder of a local KOL (Key Opinion Leader), Abby Choi, who was killed and dismembered by her ex-husband and his family: a gruesome crime that made its way to international news. With my superpower of association and stretch of imagination, I have begun to worry about your future relationships.

Dear Daughter,
Love yourself before you love others.
Be serious about love.
Get some experience.
Talk about sex. It is not a crime.
Bring condoms. Make sure he uses them all the time, if it is a him.
Ask me questions.
Virginity is not virtuous. Good deeds are.
Don’t be afraid of being hurt or hurting someone. Pain is necessary.
Be brave.
Don’t ask for roses. Don’t reject them either.
Look into their eyes. Eyes are the soul’s window.
Be sceptical about sugar-coated poetic lines; appreciate expressions of honest feelings.
On a date, dress in a way that pleases you
Know that you are beautiful, but don’t show off your beauty, especially not on social
Appearance is important: work on it.
But work harder on the inside. It is what makes you feel secure in a real sense.
Fighting is not always bad: it is a passionate way of communicating.
Leave and never return if a fight gets physical.
Trust your intuition: if it doesn’t feel right, it probably is not right.
Drink wine together. Talk silly talks. Get high on ideas.
If he doesn’t read, ditch him immediately.
Be loyal, but don’t be obsessed.
Stay innocent, but not stupid.
Be kind, but always beware of human cruelty.
Observe the ways in which his parents interact. They will be the pattern of your
Bring them home. I am dying to meet them, but I
promise I will shut up and not embarrass you.
Yes. Have multiple lovers. I had too few, and I regret it.
You don’t have to marry someone. You don’t have to have children. Be content with the
life you create with your own hands. Be the leader of the gang only when you are sure.
Cook together. Go hiking and diving and running together. Travel around the world
together, and be foreign in an exotic country.
Hold hands whenever you can. Hug each other every day. Help each other grow old
Fart whenever and wherever. Don’t try to hide it. It is the best test of true love.
Love comes in many forms.
Be independent. Make your own money. Keep it.
Do not give without any boundary.
You don’t need to be rich, but you need to be able to shout FUCK YOU! and walk away.
Weep. Then smile with the tears still on your face.
Relationships are hard work. Remember that.
Break up. Make up. Live it up.
Love life. You only have one. Cherish it. But don’t be afraid if you are to live it alone.
We all do. Ultimately.
Don’t listen to your mom. After all, what does she know?!

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