We welcome submissions to The Magazine and to Writers on Writing! You don’t need to be one of our students to submit, nor do you need to be an experienced writer. We may take time to turn your piece around (that is, to ask for revisions, edit the revised version, and finally publish the finished product) so that we can be sure that the best version of your work is the one that comes forward. This is a website geared around creating positivity, but we are absolutely interested in your writing about setbacks and even tragedies. If you don’t know if your work would be a good ‘fit’ for our site (or if you don’t know if it should go in The Magazine or Writers on Writing) please don’t hesitate to contact us.
If you are thinking about submitting a piece of writing, you may be wondering what the guidelines for submission are. The main one is: let’s talk. Let us know you want to submit a piece. Show it to us. If it’s too long, send us a pitch instead of the whole piece. At worst, we’ll publish the finished piece in installments. If it’s a bit thin, we’ll find a way to make it stronger. We’ll publish almost anything if it’s good writing (subject to the editorial policy*).
If you’re already ready to submit to us, click the appropriate button below to open our submission form:
Important Details:
- Use a standard 12 pt font. (Arial, Times New Roman, Garamond)
- Set your page margins at one inch or 2.0-2.5 centimeters all around.
- For new-to-us writers, please limit your first submission to 2000 words. If your work is longer than that, please send us an a pitch.
- Simultaneous submissions are fine. If you need to withdraw your submission from here, please email us and include “Withdrawal” in the subject line.
- We are happy to accept reprints as long as you have permission from the original publisher.
- If you are submitting work from here to be reprinted elsewhere, please credit 2 Rules Of Writing as the original publisher.
- Every piece submitted to us receives individualized feedback. There is a $5 (minimum) donation with each submission which helps us to pay to host and maintain our website. Click here to pay your fee. . We function on the honor system and if you cannot afford to donate, your submission will still be read and receive the same attention and feedback as paid submissions. All of our submissions are read blind.
- If we send you an email and you would like clarification, please reach out. The Rejection Letter Page of Shame is only for people who abuse this channel.
If you want to come up with the title yourself, be sure to include that; if not, let us know and we’ll come up with one, or help you come up with one.