National Poetry Month 2022
30 Days,
30 Poems

Today’s Poem
April 30, 2022

When I thought about the final day of National Poetry Month and how to end our 30 Days, 30 Poems project, I thought about something spectacular like Chaucer. But then I thought, “how do you talk aout everything that Chaucer means in just this small space?”
You don’t.
There’s no way that I could have done it on my own, and certainly not once I invited Adam’s commentary in as well. We’ll have to talk Chaucer another time, but in the meantime, go read Caturbury Tales. I’m sure Adam can recommend a good edition. Just Tweet us or something.
I was still left with the question of how to conclude this month of celebrating poetry.
As I thought about it, I realized that for me, poetry is about possibilities. It’s different from reading storeies which wrap up their endings neatly. Poetry leaves questions on the table, room for uncertaininty and interpretation. And so, for this last day, I’m sharing this Mary Oliver poem, which centers on natrue (a common theme in poetry) but simultaneously asks us to consider how we have lived already and what our possibilities are for the future.
May you have adventures as vast as the stars in the sky and always find just what you need. Thank you for sharing this month with us. -Erika