“I cannot tell you how it was,But this I know: it came to passUpon a bright and sunny dayWhen May was young; ah, pleasant May!” With only 30 days in April to celebrate poetry, there was no way to include all of the poems or poets we wanted to. And in order to include not…
Author: Erika Grumet, MSW
A Poem Fills a Pocket with Something
Instead of our usual Watch/Liste/Read today, we’re celebrating an extra special part of National Poetry Month with Poem in Your Pocket Day. We keep so many things there, literally and metaphorically. Today we’re asked to tuck a poem on a piece of paper into our own pockets. A poem on paper is small. It’s something…
The “Nice Guy” Fallacy
Massive content warning: If you yourself are a survivor of sexual assault, you have our permission to skip this piece. It’s up to you. But please pass it along. The essay that follows contains descriptions of sexual assault. Rape and sexual assault can happen to anyone regardless of gender identity or gender presentation. Likewise, issues…
Facing History (Sunday Summary)
Welcome to the Sunday Summary for the week of 16 April 2022. Adam and Erika have some submissions in the inbox to go through. It’s very exciting–with the blossoming of the trees and flowers, we’re also hopeful that the seeds planted with the founding of this website will go on to bear fruit this spring….
Not all Poems are about Flowers… This one is, Though
A Gift of Flowers It might have been tulips. I think they were yellow. A smiling man handed them to a woman in a crowded bomb shelter.I saw the picture over the shoulder of some talking head on my screen. Thousands of miles away in my bedroom I’m thinking of these stories I’ve been writing…
Sunday Summary
It’s already the middle of April–and ever since I had to memorize part of the prologue for school, April always brings thoughts of Canterbury Tales and the new adventures spring might bring. At least adventures for some people. Perhaps you’ll find adventures to take your mind on in the fantastic stories we bring you each…
Kissing Rosalyn
When I was a teenager, I spent several summers at a Montessori-inspired hippie socialist utopian creative-and-performing arts camp. The eight weeks I spent at camp were a respite from trying to contort myself to fit in enough during the rest of the school year. Camp was a place to be myself. It was a place…
Sunday Summary
We’re experiencing an unusually cool few days here (outside Orlando), so it’s a nice time to catch up on what the 2 Rules contributors have shared this week. We published our most widely read piece so far–you’ll have to keep reading to find out which one it was. It’s also been nice to check out…
Why We Need to “Flaunt” It
On a sunny Sunday afternoon in June, 1980-something, I was helping my mother change the sheets on her bed. I was in my early teens. Local news was covering the NYC Pride Parade and my mother turned to me, made a limp-wrist gesture and said, “Why do they need to flaunt it?” She continued, “I…
Grace (Sunday Summary)
“Sunday’s child is fair and wise and good and gay.” Your 2 Rules co-founders however, are both (technically) Tuesday’s children–full of grace, as the poem goes. We looked it up and everything. Grace-filled or not, welcome to the Sunday Summary for the week of 27 March 2022-2 April 2022. We’ve kicked off our National Poetry…