He comes to visit me in Hong Kong, bringing with him two huge traveling bags. They are all
for me: winter clothes, books, and chocolates and even salted hams.
I take him to Stanley. He takes pictures of me.
He says he is tired and goes to bed early

Follow Me!
When dad got his driving license 5 years ago, he took us for a trip in Suzhou. Nobody dared
to travel in his car but mom and me. He took the highway and I the map. When we arrived
in the yard, it was dark. He said he was tired and went to bed early. I knew his palms were
sweating―they left traces on the wheel. Mom whispered to me: “that was scary.”
When he drove us to Suzhou 3 years ago, dad was already adept at driving. He took the
highway and I the map. When people tried overtaking him, he would speed up. Fields flashed past us, and he yelled: “Follow me!” Mom and I couldn’t help but laugh.
When we visited Suzhou 6 months ago, dad took the highway and I the map. He scraped against a barrier, and our tire went flat. I called for a rescue while he stood there smoking. When we arrived at the graveyard, it was dark. Dad murmured, “Sorry we are late, Mom. Luckily, our little lass is now big.”
As he sleeps, I can see the wrinkles on his face prosper. Wherever I go, whatever I
do, he follows me in this city of strangers.
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