Did you miss something from the 2 Rules writers this week? Perhaps you saw a title, decided to look later and forgot, or perhaps there’s something you just want to come back and visit. Here’s our Sunday Summary for the week of 6 December 2021- 11 December 2021:

“I see poetry very much the way I see the Tiffany glass, its shapes and colors and lines and borders.“
On Monday, Erika shared an immersive piece about living with, and writing with, ADHD. If you liked reading this piece, or want to know more about life as a disabled person, Erika has previously shared “The View from the Wheelchair” which gave readers a little bit of insight as to what living with physical disabilities can be like.

“ I’d ask myself: Are you enjoying the process? To which I would answer: Yes. And so I would keep practicing.“
Tuesday was a school day–Adam put on his teacher-hat to explore one of the essential tools we need as writers: Giving yourself permission to write. Really, it’s a tool for so many things in life. Permission to do things, to acknowledge that they are difficult, and that we may not be great at it but if we keep going, incrementally, we’ll improve. For more about Adam and how he nurtures writers, take a look at his piece “I’d Rather be Editing”.

“I couldn’t begin to calculate how much learning time has been lost already this year to stomachaches, headaches, paper cuts, and hurt feelings.”
On Thursday, 2 Rules: The Magazine launched, with a piece from contributor Josiana Lacrete about teaching. Josi is an elementary school teacher in the southwest United States and will continue to bring us her stories about teaching in the pandemic era. Check back next month for another installment in her story.

“There are a lot of things Adam knows a lot about, but he still hasn’t learned that viola music is the beautiful, curvy, smart woman who gets ignored because she just doesn’t fit the traditional definition of attractive, but when you do finally talk to her, you’re left wondering why you ignored her for so long and if you go to bed with her, you may well find your eyes popping out of your head like a cartoon character.”
On Friday we brought you our weekly Watch/Listen/Read post. It’s a time for us to reflect on our week and share what we’ve been enjoying, but it’s also a space for us to write a little more intimately and improvisationally. If you want to know more about how the collaboration between Adam and Erika works or are interested in what they’re recommending, check out this post. Perhaps you also have an opinion to add to the ongoing feud about viola music?

“When you’re a cat, everyday is Caturday and you have questions about everything.”
On Saturday we turn the space over to Big Cat and Little Cat (and perhaps one day, Middle Cat will get a turn, too. But probably not. He’s the Gummo of the group.) This week they ask you about puns. They would love it if you would answer them in the comments on their post, and Erika would, too. You might get them to stop yowling at her for treats long enough to allow her to get some writing done!
Be sure to check out this week’s pieces, and leave your thoughts in the comments. Share your story with us so we can feature you on a Sunday as well.

Make sure you‘re all caught up with your favorite 2 Rules writers and features by checking out all of our Sunday Summary posts.