Hello World
Hello and welcome. And if you’re new here, perhaps you have come to visit after hearing us on the Master of None podcast, we’re glad you’re here.
If you haven’t heard the podcast, give it a listen. Adam and Erika had the chance to sit down with Cheryl Woodhouse, who hosts Master of None to talk about what we do here, and about how their neuroatypicality has actually helped them with their work. It’s a nice conversation, and if you’re not familiar with what the 2 Rules vision is or why they believe in using the strategies they do to help writers (and themselves) grow, you’ll hear a lot more about that during the chat.
Can You Hear Me Now?
Erika and Adam enjoy talking about their work as much as they enjoy writing. They’ll be appearing on an upcoming episode of Unique and Fresh soon, and we’ll share that link too, but if you host a podcast or know of one that might help spread the 2 Rules vision, let us know.
Finding What You’re Looking For
If you’ve visiting here while you listen to Master of None or after you’ve listen to the podcast, here are links to the some of the posts and stories we refer to in our chat:
*The Third Rule-Adam talks about the importance of connecting with other people and having a writing community
*”Rejection Week”-without consulting each other, Erik, Adam and Erika all wrote pieces on rejection in the same week. One topic, three very different perspectives
*Mental Health-This is a collection of pieces by different contributors that touch on various aspects of mental health in many different ways.
*The AIDS Epidemic: Fortieth Aniversary-Erika talks about her personal history of growing up as a queer kid as the AIDS epidemic emerged, and reflects on how it has influenced her as an adult.
“Honoring Trauma”-in the episode, we suggest the line comes from a piece about antisemitism. The actual quote comes from this piece, about how Erika has learned to write about trauma and recognize the place it has in her writing and in her life.
Other ways to learn more.
You might also want to look at our Favorite Posts page, where we collected some of the things we like best.
Visit our National Poetry Month Page to nominate a favorite poem and to keep up with our celebrations.
Don’t forget to visit our FAQ to learn more about how we work with our writers, and join us on social media. We’re excited to have you.