Summer is peeking around the corner. Big Cat and Little Cat (and Middle Cat, too) have shifted their sleeping spots to their preferred summertime spots. Days have gotten longer, and, in Florida, the afternoon seasonal rains will begin very soon. Adam reliably informs me that the seasonal rains have already started in New York. And Erika is hoping that she’ll be showered with inspiration along with rain. She’s felt rather frustrated over the last few weeks, and with Pride Month just around the corner, she expects there to be a lot for her to write about. But until then, there’s still plenty to do at 2 Rules, and plenty of feline company to “help out.”

“But like Bob the Drag Queen says, ‘I kind of have this mentality that says, everything will work out in the end. And if it’s not working out, it’s not the end.’ Bob tells us to enter the room ‘purse first.’ I know what I can stash in my purse. Hope. Anger. And the spirit to fight another day.”
Like many people, Erika is exhausted at the barrage of political attacks on the queer community. The battle to keep rights we’ve already fought for and won can wear anyone down. Whether it rains water or bigotry, It’s important to find the hope that peeks out every once in a while. Erika looked for that hope this week and shared with us a few bright spots from the ongoing fight for lgbtq+ human rights in the USA and abroad.

“It would be nice if politicians who were anti-abortion were ACTUALLY anti-abortion. But it’s not about lives, is it? It’s about votes.”
In anticipation of the final word from the Supreme Court reversing Roe v Wade, we see more and more states passing draconian legislation, imposing increasingly harsh restrictions on bodily autonomy. This legislation also threatens those who help people exercise that autonomy. Many people are struggling with fear, anger and frustration as we scramble to plan for a future that guarantees fewer rights than we have now. Adam thoughtfully addresses some very serious concerns about the hypocrisy displayed by many of our politicians. He also considers the tortuous arguments they make to convince us they’re actually taking a stand. And with great sensitivity, Adam also honors the difficulty that can be a part of the decision to have or not have a child.

“Tranquillity is a scarce resource. It’s getting harder to enjoy some peace of mind even at home. Working from home means we get less headspace for our own thoughts.“
A writer’s life extends beyond writing. Erik takes us on a journey into his life as a musician as he explores the way that we create layers with the sounds and noises we hear. He encourages us to explore the value of silence and to learn to how to hear and to listen to our own voice.

That said, Big Cat loves a big, cheesy twist. He was laughing his vestigial tits off watching the later Game of Thrones seasons. And to this day, he invites over big parties of friends to nibble catnip and read or watch A Study in Scarlet all afternoon.
Big Cat and Little Cat are napping right now. Middle Cat, in his “executive producer” role, is trying to help compose this piece. On Saturday, they took a break from their hard work at cat-things to bring you a twisted Caturday Question. Join the conversation on Facebook, Twitter, or in the comments on the post. Put some “Rains of Castamere” on your YouTube queue and start writing that plot-twist!
Looking Ahead…
Make time this week to catch up and watch Adam and Erika’s appearance on the May 17th episode of Unique and Fresh with Jeffrey, talking about how 2 Rules of Writing supports the queer community. The 2 Rules team likes to talk about what we’re doing. We look forward to more podcast and media appearances. If you know of one we should appear on, help connect us!
We posted our first TikTok this week, too! There will be more coming up, too, so follow us there if you aren’t already.
With Pride Month beginning in only ten days, we’re also planning our Pride Month content. If you have anything to share for Pride Month, let us know. We’ll be sharing some older pieces as we get ready to celebrate and to reignite the fight for our queer rights this year.
Meanwhile, have a good week as you take on the world purse first.

Make sure you‘re all caught up with your favorite 2 Rules writers and features by checking out all of our Sunday Summary posts.