I went to summer camp on old Keyauwee ground. We called returners Weekaya, as if we had been on a long journey away Though I could have driven it back and forth Sixteen times a day. And I would Just to feel like I was home Even though it was a home I stole. Question: What is gold without the quest to find it? Answer: Sifting, praying, dirt. Question: What is a homeland without violence? My house was built on a burial mound that didn’t exist until after my ancestors arrived. My father says I’m part Cherokee— Is that part of me Still alive? I come from a town where tobacco smoke choked lungs until the factory moved Where there’s always road work on the highway. And I wonder When it’s all gone (Because nothing ever stays) What will remain besides what never left? The sun. The oaks. The clay.

Death, if you were a Lover
12 cups of free intimacy— where do I belong now that you aren’t here? pick me up in the hallway gently, off my feet like a bride “get some rest—while you can— you look so goddamn tired” Death, if you were a lover. my heart is likely drying; dying water me with apologies and blood-tinted hues let’s rest a moment in Pluto’s embrace; hold me a little while longer under cobwebbed chandeliers, and tell me: What would loving me look like, Death? If you were a lover. an instinctual animal jolt, unreachable, undisclosed, repeatedly, beating me 12 cups of free intimacy I drink it up, lovingly, your treacherous nature, chafing my reality— losing yourself to it, me along with it, Death, if you were a lover, Would you force-feed me moonlit dreams? Would you haunt my every scrap of solitude? Would you love me, Death, and then leave me like filaments in a lightbulb: flickering glowing singing— Death? if you were my lover.
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Rachel Nicholson
Rachel Nicholson (she/her) is a student at the University of North Carolina at Wilmington pursuing a BFA in Creative Writing. Her work has been featured on the Chautauqua Institution’s literary blog and in Atlantis creative magazine.