Instead of our usual Watch/Liste/Read today, we’re celebrating an extra special part of National Poetry Month with Poem in Your Pocket Day.

We keep so many things there, literally and metaphorically. Today we’re asked to tuck a poem on a piece of paper into our own pockets. A poem on paper is small. It’s something we could share, that inspires us or might inspire others.
What are words of wisdow or inspiration that you might tuck in your pocket to keep close or to share and inspire others? If you’e followed along with our 30 Days, 30 Poems project, you’ve certainly seen some things that inspire us or our reader and fans. We’ve shared about Tintern Abbey, about the work of Allen Ginsberg, and about Diane DiPrima. Poetry helps teach us to tell stories. The rhythm and rhyme makes it one of the basic building blocks of literacy. It’s how we preserved our stories before we had written language and printing presses. It kept our stories in times when we weren’t allowed to read or write. Poetry is a vital connection to our past and our future.
The words I need to hold on to daily change. My mood, my plans, the people around me all might mean that I need something different. The way I’m feeling today, I think a little of Maya Angelou’s “Phenomenal Woman” might be in there. Today might be the day to remind myself:
“It’s the fire in my eyes,
And the flash of my teeth,
The swing in my waist,
And the joy in my feet.”
Leave us a comment to tell us what poem is in your pocket.