Big Cat, Little Cat: What, to a Cat, is Christmas?

Cinematography: Erika Grumet
Executive Producer: Rocket
Big Cat: Frob
Little Cat: Widget
Description below.
Three identical images side by side. In each, two cats sit on a cushion. On the left sits a large orange with darker orange stripes. He smiles down at his companion, eyes closed, face placid. On the right sits a small grey with darker grey stripes and a bit of white around the muzzle. He looks off into the distance, out of the frame, his eyes slitted as if something unworthy of trust lies in that direction. Human-Mom bustles in the kitchen, out-of-frame.
Panel 1
Big Cat: Merry Christmas, Little Cat!
Little Cat: What’s Christmas?
Panel 2
Big Cat: You know? I’m not really sure. One of the little TV-people said it.
Little Cat: *snif… Is that fish I smell?
Panel 3
Big Cat: *snif… I think it is!
Little Cat: Sorry, what were we talking about?
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