Our 30 Days, 30 Poems project began in 2022 as a way to celebrate National Poetry Month with three goals in mind:
- To get people who might not otherwise read a poem to read a poem.
- To get people who might otherwise read only the canonical (usually white, male) voices to read a bit deeper and a bit broader. Maybe read someone else from the same era or movement they hadn’t tried, or even heard of, before. Maybe you’ve read T. S. Eliot but not H.D., for example. Maybe you’ve read Allen Ginsberg and Jack Kerouac, but not Gregory Corso or Diane DiPrima or Amiri Baraka.
- To introduce poets who are not ‘canonical’ in the traditional sense but are no less brilliant… and sometimes more.
You can find a comprehensive list of poets and poems we’ve shared, along with the year they were featured here. Don’t forget to submit your own favorites for inclusion in future poetry projects, too. To find the collection from a particular year, or the commentary from on a specific poem, you’ll find links to each year’s archives below. And don’t forget to follow the 30 Days, 30 Poems project on Facebook.
2022’s 30 Days, 30 Poems archive
2023’s 30 Days, 30 Poems archive
2024’s 30 Days, 30 Poems archive