Someday, I will wake up and understand
what everything was for.
I will watch the sun rise in the morning
and set in the evening.
As the moon finds its home in the sky,
I won’t think how I miss you.
I will be able to talk about you without tears,
without tightness.
Someday, I’ll be able to look
at a picture of you.
Not even your name will hurt me.
I will be able to laugh, smile without wondering
if you’d approve of me.
Until then, I find solace in winking stars
and warm sheets.
I find myself in a good book
and a lovely melody.
Every day I learn how to live
outside of your shadow.
Someday I will be my own sun.
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Tabitha Lindstrom
Tabitha Lindstrom (she/her) is currently earning her BA in English / Creative Writing at the University of Wisconsin – Milwaukee. She has had a lifelong love for reading and writing. She was previously published in Issue 8 of Variety Pack. You can find her @tabitha.lindstrom on Instagram and @talindstr on Twitter.
Oh that one hit deep right into the core of my own journey to heal after my ex. I’m in the tail end of it now. I have a fantastic support system. It was so hard to see my own glow for a while, but healthy feels wonderful. The journey is long and hard, but I can’t emphasize enough just how worth it it is. To anyone going through it now, you’ve got this. Take it one day at a time and celebrate the small successes. Baby steps. Progress is progress and you’re doing amazing already.
This really speaks me. I lost a loved one not very long ago, suddenly, unexpectedly, and pretty brutally. Although I know that’s probably not what you were writing about, this describes my feelings of grief very accurately.
That’s what makes good poetry universal. It can speak to something different in each of us. Thanks for sharing it.
It may take some time, but this is a beautiful truth.
This is gorgeous, succinct and poignant at the same time. You really get that tightness feeling as you’re reading it and then it ends on that warm note of hope.